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It's recruitment bounce back time.

After a six year downturn, the recruitment sector is finally bouncing back according to research issued by KPMG and REC. The monthly report on jobs for March points to a substantial increase in hiring activity across the UK and it places the upturn squarely on the shoulders of the easing of national lockdown measures and the vaccinations programme that the Government is rolling out across the UK. Of note is the fact that permanent placement growth hit a six-year high and temp billings followed suit and expanded at the quickest rate for three years (2017).

Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the REC, said: “For months, we have been talking about the potential recruiters saw for a recovery in hiring as we got on with vaccinations and the lockdown did its work. Today’s data shows that even during lockdown, our labour market was bouncing back. The strong temporary recruitment trend of the past few months has been maintained, but with a new addition – the fastest increase in permanent job placements since 2015. Taken together with a long-awaited recovery in hiring in London, this is a sign that business confidence is starting to flow back, even at this early stage of unlocking”.

Martin Tyrrell, CEO, Accord Resourcing said: “It’s times like these that recruiters are beginning to embrace the bull market and start their own businesses. It doesn’t have to be lonely, joining a team like ours at Accord provides all the start up needs that a high flyer requires to get going quickly and turn the commission funnel upside down – our franchisees earn up to 80% of their commission and get full back office support to get moving – fast!”

Employers continue to identify major skills gaps across various sectors with demand and supply not matching up making it imperative that recruiters help employers to identify prospective and current employees who are adaptable, productive and ready for new challenges.

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